
August Moon

Interview with Quinn from August Moon by Tammy Morea

Today we are talking with Quinn O’Shea, the Male protagonist of August Moon.

T: Hello Quinn, Thanks for chatting with us today.
Q: Thanks for having me. I just want to warn you I’m kind of a one word answer guy, unless you’re a close friend or family member.

T: Okay, no problem Quinn. How about I ask you one or two personal questions and then we just do some rapid-fire ones, there usually good for one word answer type guys.
Q: Sounds good, one condition though. No questions about Raven, I just can’t go there, right now.

T: I’m sorry to hear that, but I understand. I hear you are a lifeguard in the summers and you are also an exceptional Surfer. Want to tell us a little bit of your history with the ocean and your surf board?
Q: Sure, let’s see I started surfing when I was around seven or eight years old. My Dad taught me and my three brothers. Surfing is sort of a rite of passage when you grow up in Long Beach. Even if you never become any good at it, if you’re a local you tried it at some point. Before that I was on a boogie board, ya know the foam ones that you lay on your stomach and ride the waves in.

T: Do you play any other sports? Maybe Ice Hockey, like your best friend MaryKate. Speaking of MaryKate, what’s it like having a girl for a best friend?
Q: No, I don’t play any other sports. Okay so first of all I don’t call her MaryKate, she’s just MK to me and having a girl for a best friend is way better than having a guy best friend. Girls are just more…. I don’t know…. Rational. Well MK is anyway.

T: Ready for those rapid-fire Questions?
Q: Go…

T: Books or Movies?
Q: Movies

T: Coke or Pepsi?
Q: Neither, I drink ice tea

T: Vanilla or Chocolate?
Q: Vanilla, but sometimes I like a twist

T: Hawaii or California?
Q: Hawaii, best waves

T: Fast car or Fast Motorcycle
Q: Both

T: Alright Quinn, I won’t torture you with any more Questions. I’m sorry about your situation with Raven. I guess we will have to read your story in August Moon to see how things turn out. Thanks a lot for taking the time to talk with us.
Q: Sure thing, have a good one.




I am crying for Quinn. He finds his soul mate the one who makes him hole and he has to sacrifice for his brother. Declan man I want to slap you upside the head and give you swirlies until you learn your lesson. Even Callum is ticked at you and dangit he should be. You have probably just destroyed the good brother Declan. The one with the heart and is selfless. Not only that but now he may never have his love again because of you. Y0u are a bad bad bad man Declan. You are lucky Quinn is so giving and sweet and kind because if it was me grrrrr……I liked Raven until the end. How she was at the end just grrrr…..I mean she knows something is up and yet look what she is doing. You playing that boy girl that is just so wrong. You playing that boy and thinking of your soulmate Quinn while doing it . Let’s back up now that I have gotten my little tirade out. Wait one more girl if you don’t come to your senses and use your spidey love senses and realize what is going on and that Quinn wouldn’t leave you without a reason I am going to slap you silly. You don’t deserve him than. Even your mom gives you a clue. So realize it, own it and support him from afar. alright now let’s back up.

Raven moves from Brooklyn to where her cousin lives, in Long Beach. I liked her at the beginning of this book. I loved how money didn’t matter to her, how she was just attracted to Quinn. I loved how she made him feel special and loved and that his background didn’t make him who he was. I didn’t like her hiding him but there was reason. So she moves and her cousin Jo brings her to the beach where she sees Quinn. Once she sees him she can’t take her eyes off him. They are drawn to each other. Quinn tries to tell her she is better than him and deserves better but she doesn’t listen. Kudos girl because that boy loves you big time. They are going strong until Quinn’s stupid brother Declan does something stupid and now Quinn must protect himself, his brother and Raven. To do this he sacrifices. So beautiful but they way he sacrifices is just so sad. Now again Raven he just gave you his precious heirloom hello something is a rotten in denmark girl ding ding ding.

Raven is crushed but she finds comfort with another. MK is trying to help Quinn put his life back together after his noble sacrifice. But Raven the way she goes about it is wrong so so wrong and selfish. We end with this cliffy hoping Quinn gets Raven back but really I think once it comes out she needs to beg him for forgiveness I mean down on her knees and beg. Maybe bring him chocolates, everything because seriously the boy shouldn’t take you back. But he loves you and he is swoonworthy and kind and gentle so if he can forgive you in the next book I guess the reader can too but you better earn it girl.

A book about first love that is true love. About sacrificing to protect those you love even if it crushes you. A noble story of love and sacrifice with a cliffy that will have you hope Quinn’s heart can come out whole and fixed in the end after his sacrifice.